Reports until 14:03, Tuesday 16 July 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:03, Tuesday 16 July 2013 (7097)
partial upgrade to fix incorrect channel status in frame did not work and was backed out

WP4045, DAQ partial upgrade to fix incorrect dataValid flag in frames.

We tried the upgrade this morning during maintenance and could not get it to work. We tried the simple one-line change made at LLO in Jan on both the frame writer and the data concentrator, but this caused half of the front ends to be marked as bad. It was only resolved by backing out the change. We then built the DC against branch2.6, which did not fix the problem. Finally we ran LLO's DC binary, with the same results. At this point we ran out of time and reverted the original binaries back.