Reports until 23:57, Saturday 01 July 2023
H1 General
ryan.crouch@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:57, Saturday 01 July 2023 (71008)
OPS Saturday eve shift summary

TITLE: 07/02 Eve Shift: 23:00-07:00 UTC (16:00-00:00 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 144Mpc


We successfully rode through a 5.6 EQ from Tonga at 3:10 UTC, in EQ mode at 03:23 UTC back to calm at 04:04, seismon peaked around 1900 and we got to over 1 in the 0.03-0.01 ground motion..

Lockloss at 04:15UTC


Xarm struggled a bit, went through increase flashes twice, it took around 20 minutes. Went through PRMI twice, lockloss PRMI after 2nd attempt, I interviened during the 3rd attempt and adjust PRM and SRM in yaw since AS AIR was very yawed and it caught. ISC_LOCK went into error during DRMI_1F, I reloaded it and it was fine but it lost DRMI and it had to be relocked but it relocked quickly but a few minutes later lost lock at BS_STAGE2. Ground motion is still elevated


Smooth relocking this time, until we got to OMC_WHITENING at 05:41UTC where the we had to stop and damp violins, they are quite rung up. 2 million ADC counts. So we'll be here damping for a while, a lot of the gains were reduced by guardian since they were rung up, I'll step them up as I'm able to.

Back into NLN and Observing at 06:30 UTC


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