Reports until 16:32, Tuesday 16 July 2013
H1 SEI - posted 16:32, Tuesday 16 July 2013 - last comment - 08:18, Wednesday 17 July 2013(7101)
HAM3-ISI - Tilt Decoupling Overnight Measurement

Launched a delayed overnight measurement on HAM3-ISI, with the help of JimW. 

Measurement should start around 9.50pm PCT. Horizontal isolation loops will be turned OFF then. Only vertical isolation loops will be left ON for the duration of the measurement.

Measurement will be finished by 8.30am PCT. Isolation loops will be turned back ON by then.

Comments related to this report - 08:18, Wednesday 17 July 2013 (7110)

Mesurment complete. Isolation loops Level 2 are turned back ON. HAM3-ISI is in the same configuration as it was, prior to the measurement.