Reports until 11:50, Wednesday 17 July 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:50, Wednesday 17 July 2013 (7114)
second attempt at DAQ upgrade tried, failed, backed out

Dave and Jim

Second try to fix the dataValid=1 flag in the frame.

This morning we tried a version of the DAQ code which was tested successfully on the DTS yesterday afternoon. Unfortunately on the H1 DAQ the IRIG-B date was incorrectly read, putting the data concentrator 10 years and 5 days into the future. This then marked all the FE's as having bad timing.

We immediately reverted back to the original code. The whole excercise took about 15 minutes.

We are checking the configuration differences between L1, H1 and X1 to see why this would happen. Early result, the IRIG-B drivers between all three are definitely different.