Reports until 08:11, Wednesday 12 July 2023
H1 General
oli.patane@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:11, Wednesday 12 July 2023 - last comment - 12:18, Wednesday 12 July 2023(71257)
Ops DAY Shift Start

TITLE: 07/12 Day Shift: 15:00-23:00 UTC (08:00-16:00 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Commissioning
    SEI_ENV state: CALM
    Wind: 5mph Gusts, 4mph 5min avg
    Primary useism: 0.01 μm/s
    Secondary useism: 0.05 μm/s

Currently locked, out of Observing for some OMC Commissioning.

PCALX and ALSX Laser are down. If we lose lock we will go and look into troubleshooting. Not sure about going back into Observing until we have this figured out.

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 08:50, Wednesday 12 July 2023 (71258)CAL, DetChar, ISC, Laser Safety
Tagging CAL -- between the following times, we did *not* have a live estimate of the systematic error and/or CW injections.
        13:23:41 UTC     06:23:41 PDT     1373203439     Lasers fail
        14:48:48 UTC     07:48:48 PDT     1373208546     Out of observing for commissioning
5107 seconds == 1.42 hours.

For future reference, we should *not* be in observing if *either* PCAL systems go down in anyway. New for O4, BOTH PCAL lasers are critical to providing low latency calibration information that's critical for the now, new, low latency astrophysics.

Tagging DetChar -- in case y'all can help us create a data quality flag for this time.

(note, the loss of the ALS laser is unimportant during observing, since it's only used during lock acquisition and otherwise shuttered during nominal low noise / observing)

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thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - 08:49, Wednesday 12 July 2023 (71259)

Current plan - As soon as Naoki and Sheila are done with their commissioning work, around 10am, Fil wil head to EX to troubleshoot the interlock system failure. There is a large possibility that this will bring all lasers down on site and we will need to recover at that point.

oli.patane@LIGO.ORG - 12:18, Wednesday 12 July 2023 (71267)