Reports until 22:49, Thursday 18 July 2013
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:49, Thursday 18 July 2013 - last comment - 22:57, Thursday 18 July 2013(7130)
EX TMS Telescope Alignment Continues

(Corey, Keita)

Went out to the Lab in the afternoon.  With an autocollimator, we aligned the gold-coated alignment mirror (located at input of Telescope).  Next up, made sure an iris was aligned (via a second autocollimator at the "output" of the small Secondary mirror (this is on "top" of the Telescope).

We then removed the upper autocollimator and mounted 180deg, such that it can be pointed at a "laser table" nearby.  Used the upper autocollimator to position an iris on the laser table.  The IR laser was then used to align optics on the laser table and then point the beam to the Telescope from the laser table.  The Secondary Mirror's position was adjusted to make the output beam size acceptable---this was done only roughly.

Next up, we want to finely align the irises (via multiple Watec cameras), and then continue with alignment.  All of this happens as we expect to receive (perhaps in the next few days) some new mirrors which will hopefully replace our less than desireable F1 Mirror.

The Telescope Assy was covered with a "tent" for a night with a big desicant pouch inside to keep humidity down (in the hopes of preserving Mirror coatings).

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lisa.austin@LIGO.ORG - 22:57, Thursday 18 July 2013 (7132)
Received notification from vendor that replacement F1 mirror delivery is now 7/22/13.