Reports until 14:46, Saturday 15 July 2023
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:46, Saturday 15 July 2023 - last comment - 15:26, Saturday 15 July 2023(71354)
Longitudinal OMC Shaking during Lock Acquisition

Eleonora, Camilla

We repeated Eleonora's 68910 OFI shaking with longitudinal OMC shaking 20:14UTC-21:01UTC while we were waiting in OMC_WHITENING for the violins to damp. This means we were not in our full nominal low noise configuration.

Injected a 0.65Hz (Rahul's TF's in 69726) sine wave into H1:SUS-OMC_M1_TEST_L_EXC using 'awggui' command. Gain 3000. This could be seen as +/- 6um on DAMP_L_INMON, with some cross-coupling in other degrees of freedom, see attached. 

This was more data than the 10 minutes Eleonora asked for but I had the time while the violins were damping. She would like this repeated for OPO and FC but I wasn't sure how the FC and IFO SQZ ASC's would react so will need to speak with Naoki first.

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camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 15:26, Saturday 15 July 2023 (71358)

Eleonora suggests repeating with P and Y and at 2.6Hz to look for coupling. Attached is a plot showing DAMP_{L,T,V}_INMONs with offsets to bring them to zero. 6.7urad in L gives you 0.27urad in T so ~4% coupling.

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