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Reports until 14:58, Friday 19 July 2013
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:58, Friday 19 July 2013 (7137)
New QUAD DAC Monitor Screen

The DAC buttons on the SUS_CUST_QUAD_OVERVIEW.adl screen have been semi-broken for some time. They did link to automatically generated DAC monitor screens but typically the wrong ones - always DAC0 or DAC1, even though there are up to five different cards.

Therefore I created a master SUS_CUST_QUAD_DAC_MONITOR.adl screen that would show all channels for all levels of a quad, in both the user and IOP numberings.

To facilitate this, I added new macros to the sus*_overview_macro.txt files for *=itmx/itmy/etmx/etmy/quadtst as follows:

(While I was at it, I corrected an error I discovered in the file for ITMX: UPUL/UPLL/UPUR/UPLR had been 2_* but should have been 3_*.)

I linked the new screen to all the DAC buttons on SUS_CUST_QUAD_OVERVIEW.adl and SUS_CUST_QUAD_R0.adl. Since the ESD channels were now referenceable, I put them on the SUS_CUST_QUAD_OVERVIEW.adl as well.

The new screens are committed - LLO should svn up /opt/rtcds/userapps/trunk/sus/common/medm.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.