Reports until 15:38, Friday 19 July 2013
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:38, Friday 19 July 2013 (7139)
Repaired damaged raw minute files for h1fw0
The raw minute trend data which was damaged by writing incorrect GPS times last Wednesday has been repaired for h1nds0.  The data files have been written to the SATAboy in /frames/trend/minute_raw/minute_raw_1058139783 directory, and h1nds0 now accesses these.  So it is possible to get minute trend data for the past week without a big hole in the data.  

Note that the data on h1fw1 (and h1nds1, which is used by default) has not been repaired yet.  Plans are to repair h1fw1 early next week.