Reports until 16:42, Friday 19 July 2013
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:42, Friday 19 July 2013 (7143)
TipTilt filter and safe.snap files

The h1asctt model was installed back on 7/9/13 (alog 7031), but has gone without filters or a safe.snap file till now.

I created new filter and safe.snap files in the userapps area, adapting the most recent LLO version, and linked to them as follows:

I then loaded the filters and BURT restored the safe.snap.

To get the safe.snap file working without errors I had to remove a number of lines corresponding to the two IPC signals I had to remove when I adapted l1asctt.mdl because they weren't yet available at LHO (H1:OMC_PZT*_TTSUS_TEMP, *=1,2). I put these lines in h1asctt_safe_TTSUS_TEMP_stuff.snap next to h1asctt_safe.snap so they can be easily restored if necessary.

The new files h1asctt_safe.snap and H1ASC.txt (but not h1asctt_safe_TTSUS_TEMP_stuff.snap) have been committed.