J. Kissel Here's an inventory of the (W)HAM1 feedthrus as they stand on July 18 2023. Comments will show pictures of each feedthru, separated (and labeled) by feedthru. As we consider - changing the seismic isolation system in HAM1 from an iLIGO stack with an aLIGO HAM ISI, - whether we should keep the second LSC REFL detector - including a jitter attenuation cavity - more or less suspended optics for the future of HAM1 at both sites, it's important to get an up-to-date inventory of what feedthrus are available. Also, a good portion of the WHAM1 integration issues relate to drawing updates (see IIET:5118 Ticket Tree), for which this inventory will help as well. Here're the pertinent drawings Systems Layout (as it stands at -v4): D0901821 Flange Layout (as it stands at -v8): D1002872 In-vac Cable Routing (as it stands at -v4): D1300075 One can see some further discussion in T2300221.
Thanks Jeff for those pictures. I added a link to this alog from the WHAM1 flange layout: https://dcc.ligo.org/D1002872-v8 for reference.
If you spot any additional redlines from the posted -v8 'D1002872-v7-redline.pdf', please add them to the DCC.