on cdsws04, there is a script running that will step the darm offset up and down for a few minutes, then step up the heat on om2, wait two hours for the thermal transient, and repeat this process 4 times.
The DARM offset steps will cause an SDF diff that will knock H1 out of observing, after it finishes each set of darm offset steps and move om2 the operators can take us back to observing. the om2 heater will cause some SDF diffs which can be accepted for tonight.
If the operators need to stop the script (if there is a reason to stand down or if H1 losses lock) you can hit control c on the terminal on cdsws04.
This script also sets the DARM offset TRAMP to 5seconds, I've accepted this in SDF for now but it will go back to 1 second next lock.
Because of EQ locklosses the operators stopped this script twice, 71493 and 71492. Just now I've started it for the last step. Hopefully it is not overly confusing that we got this data set in three different locks, we may want to re-run this sometime.