Reports until 08:25, Wednesday 19 July 2023
victoriaa.xu@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:25, Wednesday 19 July 2023 (71497)
Minor tweaks to re-engage SQZ OPO pump ISS, not a full fix

Range drop seemed to coincide with pump ISS tripping off; we haven't had this issue since re-aligning the pump AOM a while back (LHO:70190). But since the SQZT0 table fan got turned on yesterday, SHG power trends show that while the input IR power seems stable (bottom 2 plots), the SHG output power (top) has dropped ~15% and still not recovered yet. So, we are having the same pump iss issues again. The control voltage is now hovering again around 2V (2nd plot), which is just marginally stable. 

To get back to the 85uW pump power we've been running with (NLG~12.7), I tried several things, summarized in this trend/screenshot
   1. (top green trend) re-aligned pump fiber polarizations (starting w/the "! fiber pol" button on sqzt0 medm), by pico-ing waveplates before the pump fiber. this brought in-chamber fiber rejected from ~0.16 to ~0.03.
   2. (4th pink trend)   re-direct all the light after the pump aom into the fiber path with pico-waveplate
   3. (bottom gray trend)  checked SHG input alignment w/picos, most change on input pico mirror #1 in pitch. bumped SHG temperature from 36.00 to 36.05C. This SHG temp change was accepted in SDF. Combined, this all barely improved SHG output power from 47mW to 48mW. Nominal has been ~55mW, before the recent table+fan incursion to SQZT0. 

If SHG output powers go back to solidly over 50mW (sometimes has taken ~24 hours..), we should be safe from further pump ISS issues. If SHG output power drops any more, given that we are pretty marignal on the ISS now, it'll require more intervention and maybe turning down the pump power until we solve it. We'll watch how the sitation goes, and we'll consider how SQZ_MANAGER can handle pump_iss issues.

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