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Reports until 15:33, Tuesday 18 July 2023
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:33, Tuesday 18 July 2023 - last comment - 16:25, Friday 21 July 2023(71476)
ITM HWS SLEDs swapped

Camilla, Marissa, WP11308

Cao noticed that the ITM HWS SLEDs had decayed in 71328. This morning Marissa and I swapped both following procedure T1500193. There was no measurable power out of the old sleds ~3mW out of the new ones. 

ITMX: Old S/N 07.14.255, New: QSDM-790-5 S/N 05.21.346 (2.5mW = 120mA, trimpot to 480mW)

ITMY Old: S/N 11.17.127, New: QSDM-840-5 S/N 11.21.303 (2.5mW = 115mA, trimpot to 460mW)

SLED inventory in 66832, SLEDs last swapped in Dec 2022 66179. Still need to check that there is the correct amount of light on the HWS cameras and maybe update the camera frame rate.

At 19:25UTC, while we were at the chassis, the CO2X laser tripped off with the "temp" warning light. This warning light didn't go away until I power cycled the chassis. CO2X then turned on and locked fine.

Comments related to this report
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 16:25, Friday 21 July 2023 (71600)

Checked on HWS signals after SLED swap, all look good. See attached for spherical powers changing over last lock, ITMY, ITMX 1m30 after 60W power up during this lock. Same point absorber on ITMX only.

When I looked a the two minutes during power up from 25W to 60W, I can see 4 distinct point absorbers on ITMX, nothing on ITMY. I hope this is a strange transient left over from MOVE_SPOTS but I can see it on the last two power ups. Should look into whether this was present last year.

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