Reports until 22:57, Monday 22 July 2013
thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:57, Monday 22 July 2013 (7172)
Optical Lever Maintainence and Realignment
Emily, Tristan, Terra, Thomas

ITMY optical lever has been showing lots of drift in yaw for the past few weeks (~ 1 urad/1 min), today we were able to close the gate valves and shutter the PSL so that we can open the transmitter and receiver units.  At first we thought a few screws were loose and they were tightened, but that didn't help.  Then we strain-relieved the fiber optic feeding into the transmitter but that also did not fix this drift problem.

 I found that the alignment was sensitive to me pushing on a nearby cable tray that was connected to a conduit that was leaning on a copper pipe that the optical fiber was laying on (picture attached). The optical fiber was being tugged on by the copper pipe as well as the conduit and cable tray so we isolated the fiber to decouple the connection. After the fix, the drift was much better, about +/- 1 urad for the course of a few hours, this will hopefully be a good set up to take spectra and long term testing.

Also, we re-centered the PR3 and BS optical levers and will continue to recenter as needed for testing by SEI and SUS.
Images attached to this report