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Reports until 13:10, Tuesday 23 July 2013
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:10, Tuesday 23 July 2013 (7178)
HAM2 and HAM3 SUS Alignments
In preparation for unlocking HAM2 and HAM3 HEPIs, here are the alignments and static positions (as measured by the OSEMs) before unlocking, for reference.

HAM2 (* indicates alignment offsets are OFF currently, because Arnaud is measuring some lower stage transfer functions)

               MC1     MC3     PR3     PRM
P  [urad]     +312    +261    -148*   -770*    
Y  [urad]     -968   -1081     124*  -1200* 

M1T1 [ct]    12247   15407   11976    12430
M1T2 [ct]    13061   15166   16039    14890
M1T3 [ct]    13600   14370   15890    13874
M1LF [ct]    15975   15170   10659    11306
M1RT [ct]     9539    7682   10424    11068
M1SD [ct]    11831   11578   13022    12813
M2UL [ct]    16070   18355    7212    17435
M2LL [ct]    20649   14340   10466     2510
M2UR [ct]     7266   12539   10768    17270
M2LR [ct]    14008    9908    8883     2492
M3UL [ct]    14414   15096    7667    16049 
M3LL [ct]    21812   15740   10337     3730
M3UR [ct]    10138   11881   10654    14385
M3LR [ct]    18289    7221    7899     4566


             MC2       PR2
P  [urad]   +434      +716*
Y  [urad]   +244      +120*

M1T1 [ct]  13708     14293
M1T2 [ct]  12670     12692
M1T3 [ct]  13585     12476
M1LF [ct]  12330     13635
M1RT [ct]  13636     14635
M1SD [ct]  14254     13127
M2UL [ct]  11830     14296
M2LL [ct]   9944     15369
M2UR [ct]  12493     12516 
M2LR [ct]  13180     12042
M3UL [ct]  11333     12223
M3LL [ct]   9213     14342
M3UR [ct]  11356      8504
M3LR [ct]   8200     14608
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.