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Reports until 15:47, Friday 04 August 2023
ryan.short@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:47, Friday 04 August 2023 - last comment - 11:21, Saturday 05 August 2023(71970)
ETMX Calibration Line Gains Now Defined in lscparams

In an effort to remedy the tug-of-war nature of the ETMX calibration line heights during lock acquisition (discussed by Jeff in alog 71710) and to avoid confusion about how these gains are set (alog 71945 and comments), I've created a dictionary in lscparams.py called cal_line_gains (lines 460-463) which will be the one location for these gain values. This dictionary is referenced and the values within are now used in the locations laid out in Jeff's earlier mentioned alog, keeping the line heights the same throughout the lock acquisition sequence.

Comments related to this report
oli.patane@LIGO.ORG - 11:21, Saturday 05 August 2023 (71985)

ISC_LOCK reloaded

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