Reports until 16:07, Thursday 25 July 2013
LHO General
justin.bergman@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:07, Thursday 25 July 2013 (7227)

0800 Found multiple IPC errors on H1SEIB1,H1SEIB2,H1SEIB3---all resulting from some kind of hiccup from H1SUSB123. I reset all the IPC errors and they did not recur during the shift.

900-1030 Patrick covering; notes increasing dust counts between HAM2/3 where the cleanroom had temporarily been turned off

950 MarkB and Arnaud investigating noise on BS

950-1030  Richard disconnecting coil driver sensors on BS (DaveB running IOP bypass on SUSB123 and SEIB2)

1200 Problems with PSL refcav...Stefan/Rick investigating

1343 Frank and Luis to EY to work on racks (not working in laser hazard zone)

1400 During BS noise investigations the watchdogs were tripped for ISI-ITMY and ISI-BS. Hugo/Justin reset ITMY but found the BS suspension had Master Switch toggled (Richard) and we did not reset these WDs

1405 Colin/Pablo continuing Pcal alignment in H2 Enclosure

1425 Undergrad Andres Mellina notified operator that he would be energizing the NPRO in OSBOL per WP#4048---agreed to complete work and notify operator by 1600. Did not anticipate needing more than 5mW.

1539 Operator notified by Andres that laser work complete for the day in OSBOL.