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Reports until 15:11, Wednesday 23 August 2023
ryan.crouch@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:11, Wednesday 23 August 2023 (72392)
CAL BB and Simulines measurement

I ran a calibration measurement at the behest of Louis this afternoon, starting with the broadband:


Then the simulines:

GPS start: 1376862014.581911

GPS end: 1376863342.763444

2023-08-23 22:02:04,350 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/DARMOLG_SS/DARMOLG_SS_20230823T213958Z.hdf5
2023-08-23 22:02:04,374 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/PCALY2DARM_SS/PCALY2DARM_SS_20230823T213958Z.hdf5
2023-08-23 22:02:04,387 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/SUSETMX_L1_SS/SUSETMX_L1_SS_20230823T213958Z.hdf5
2023-08-23 22:02:04,402 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/SUSETMX_L2_SS/SUSETMX_L2_SS_20230823T213958Z.hdf5
2023-08-23 22:02:04,417 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/SUSETMX_L3_SS/SUSETMX_L3_SS_20230823T213958Z.hdf5


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