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Reports until 10:12, Friday 25 August 2023
H1 OpsInfo
ryan.short@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:12, Friday 25 August 2023 (72415)
Inspiral Range FOM Updated

This is a late entry noting my updates over the past week to the Inspiral Range FOM in the control room on nuc27's top screen; see attached screenshot. The DMT Viewer template is now showing both range calculations from LHO and LLO (from GDS-CALIB_STRAIN_CLEAN or "GDS" and from CAL-DELTAL_EXTERNAL or "the front-ends"), with the GDS range in a bolder line. It's worth noting that the GDS trace only exists while in OBSERVE, so this makes including the front-ends range necessary as well.

The DMT Viewer range template lives in: /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/cds/h1/scripts/fom_startup/nuc27/HLV-Range.xml

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