Reports until 15:00, Wednesday 30 August 2023
ryan.crouch@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:00, Wednesday 30 August 2023 - last comment - 13:26, Thursday 31 August 2023(72573)
CAL BB and Simulines measurement

I ran a 2nd calibration sweep today, starting with broadband:



2023-08-30 21:58:00,615 | INFO | Commencing data processing.
2023-08-30 21:58:56,567 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/DARMOLG_SS/DARMOLG_SS_20230830T213653Z.hdf5
2023-08-30 21:58:56,585 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/PCALY2DARM_SS/PCALY2DARM_SS_20230830T213653Z.hdf5
2023-08-30 21:58:56,611 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/SUSETMX_L1_SS/SUSETMX_L1_SS_20230830T213653Z.hdf5
2023-08-30 21:58:56,636 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/SUSETMX_L2_SS/SUSETMX_L2_SS_20230830T213653Z.hdf5
2023-08-30 21:58:56,661 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/SUSETMX_L3_SS/SUSETMX_L3_SS_20230830T213653Z.hdf5

GPS start: 1377466629.697354

GPS stop: 1377467954.983395



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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 15:24, Wednesday 30 August 2023 (72576)
We think this is a more thermalized measure of the IFO after installing the new DARM2 FM8 boost filter, and we'll likely use *this* measurement to inform a calibration update.

aLOGs of DARM2 FM8 boost filter change -- LHO:72562 and LHO:72569
Previous unthermalized measurement thta also had the new DARM filter in place -- LHO:72560
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 13:26, Thursday 31 August 2023 (72597)
This measurement has been processed by pydarm, and can now be found under the report 20230830T213653Z. Attached here for reference.

This measurement served as the basis for the update to the calibration on 2023-08-31 -- see LHO:72594.

I've measured the OMC DCPD "rough [mA]" to DARM_ERR [ct] transfer function during this measurement, and found the magnitude to be 2475726 [mA/ct] at 5 [Hz]. DTT template is committed to the CalSVN under 
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