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Reports until 18:22, Sunday 10 September 2023
H1 General (SQZ)
anthony.sanchez@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:22, Sunday 10 September 2023 - last comment - 23:08, Sunday 10 September 2023(72791)
Dropped out of Observing at 23:59 UTC due to SQZ issue.

Dropped out of Observing due to a squeezing issue that told me to go look at alog 70050 from Diag Main.
I took SQZ_Manager to NO_SQUEEZING,  edited line 12 on sqzparams.py Guardian code: 
opo_grTrans_setpoint_uW = 80 #OPO trans power that ISS will servo to. alog 70050.

opo_grTrans_setpoint_uW = 50 #80 #OPO trans power that ISS will servo to. alog 70050.

Loaded SQZ_OPO_LR Guardian.
I then took SQZ_OPO_LR Guardian to LOCKED_CLF_DUAL_NO_ISS, then to LOCKED_CLF_DUAL.

The instructions told me to maximize H1:SQZ-OPO_TEC_SETTEMP. after a few slider bumps it was maxed.

Then I saw the update at the bottom, Which then told me to change the opo_grTrans_setpoint_uW = 60 which I then did.

I then took SQZ_MANAGER back up to FREQ_DEP_SQZ And accepted the SDF Diffs, and took H1 back to Observing. It was happy with this for a breif moment then dropped back out of observing.

This is when Vicki checked in with me and my pleas for SQZr help.
She told me that This is likely due to the the SQZr being tuned for opo_grTrans_setpoint_uW = 80. I will link this alog to the comment of the 70050 which has guided me to changing it.

We have since dropped out 2 more times. And I have simply taken the SQZ_MANAGER to DOWN, then back up to FREQ_DEP_SQUEEZING. allowing for Observing to be reached again. but it hasn't like this.
More troubleshooting is needed. Vicki said she will be logging on shortly to check it out remotely.



Comments related to this report
anthony.sanchez@LIGO.ORG - 18:29, Sunday 10 September 2023 (72793)

Screen shot of the logs attached.


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anthony.sanchez@LIGO.ORG - 18:48, Sunday 10 September 2023 (72794)

H1:SQZ-SHG_SERVO_IN1GAIN was changed to hopefully add more stability to the SQZr
SDF Diff accepted.

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anthony.sanchez@LIGO.ORG - 23:08, Sunday 10 September 2023 (72795)SQZ

In the Process of taking SQZ_MANAGER to NO_SQUEEZE to Stay in Observing for longer than an hour a Lockloss happened.

Vicki gave me the following instructions to get the IFO into Observing with no SQZ.


    (top of guardian code, Line 36) set SQZ_MANAGER:

   nominal = 'NO_SQUEEZING'  (instead of 'FREQ_DEP_SQZ')
   REVERT following SDF diffs, such that we run with:

anthony.sanchez@cdsws13: caget H1:SQZ-SHG_SERVO_IN1GAIN
anthony.sanchez@cdsws13: caget H1:SQZ-FIBR_SERVO_COMGAIN


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