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Reports until 17:08, Wednesday 13 September 2023
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:08, Wednesday 13 September 2023 - last comment - 17:47, Wednesday 13 September 2023(72862)
Measurements for adjusting LSC FF

[Jenne, Gabriele, with thoughts and ideas from Elenna and Sheila]

The last few days, our sensitivity has been degrading a small amount, and Gabriele noted from a bruco that we're seeing increased MICH and SRCL coherence.  It hasn't even been a full 2 weeks since Gabriele and Elenna last tuned the MICH FF, so this is disappointing. Elenna has made the point in alog 72598 that the effectiveness of the MICH FF seems to be related to the actuation strength of the ETMX ESD.  We certainly see that the Veff of ETMX has been marching in a monatonic line for the last few months in Ibrahim's alog 72849. After roughly confirming that this makes sense, Gabriele and I took measurements in preparation for soon switching the LSC FF to use the ITMY PUM, just like LLO does, in hopes that makes us more immune to these gain changes.

Today, at Sheila's suggestion, I tried modifying the ETMX L3 DriveAlign L gain to counteract this actuation strength change.  (Fear not, I reverted the gain before commissioning ended, so our Observe segments do not have any change to any calibration.)  To check the effect of changing that drivealign vlaue, I looked both at the DARM open loop gain, as well as the coupling between MICH and DARM. 

This all seemed to jive with the MICH FF effectiveness being related to ETMX ESD actuation strength.  So, rather than try to track that, we decided to work on changing over to use the ITMY PUM like LLO does.  I note that our Transition_from_ETMX guardian state uses ITMX, not ITMY, so it should be safe to have made changes to the ITMY settings.

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gabriele.vajente@LIGO.ORG - 17:47, Wednesday 13 September 2023 (72873)

Here is a first look at fitting the MICH and SRCL FF when actuating through ITMY PUM. We started by measuring the coupling with FF completely off, and we might want / need to iterate once or twice to get better results.

MICH: fit looks good, a filter of order 14 fits the transfer function reasonably well


SRCL: as usual it's hard to get a good fit. The predicted performance is a factor 10 subtraction, which should be ok as a start. We might need to iterate


Filters not yet uploaded to foton. Note the plots do not include the additional high pass filters that we are using, so the low frequency amplitude of the two LSC FF is lower.

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