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Reports until 15:56, Wednesday 04 October 2023
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:56, Wednesday 04 October 2023 - last comment - 09:42, Thursday 05 October 2023(73272)
Ring Heater Test during Commissioning Time

Starting RH changes at 19:35UTC, turned up ITM RHs +0.1W and down ETM RHs -0.1W. Plots of DARM and HOM after 2 hours attached and ndscope trend. High frequency noise increased and the HOM moved higher in frequency. Circulating powers increased. After 3 hours at 22:35UTC I turned RHs back to nominal.

During this time Robert was doing some PEM injections and we had been locked at NLN for 5 hours so weren't completely thermalized at the start.

I added a 6600 to 6800Hz BLRM as H1:OAF-RANGE_RLP_8 to monitor high frequency noise, see attached, didn't prove very useful. H1:SQZ-DCPD_RATIO_6_DB shows trend better.

  Nominal (W/segment) Test Values 19:35 to 22:35UTC
ITMX 0.44 0.54
ITMY 0.0 0.1
ETMX 1.0 0.9
ETMY 1.0 0.9

Last weeks test 73093. Future tests: Can't go the other direction as ITMY started with 0W RH. Could try commonly turning up just ETMs in a future while observing test as we had decreased high frequency noise with both ETM RHs ~1.4W/seg in February 67501, plot attached.

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camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 09:42, Thursday 05 October 2023 (73287)

Updated plot showing thermalization back to nominal RH settings attached. Main changes were higher circulating power and more high frequency noise during the test.

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