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Reports until 10:17, Friday 06 October 2023
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:17, Friday 06 October 2023 - last comment - 14:38, Friday 06 October 2023(73308)
ITM Ring Heater Test During Observing from 17:15UTC

Oli, Camilla. We popped into commissioning to adjust the ITM ring heaters up from 0.05W/segment at 17:15UTC, now ITMX is at 0.49W and ITMY 0.05W. Accepted changes in sdf. Back in observing while the slow thermalization happens, plan to revert to nominal in 3 hours at 20:15UTC.

This weeks past ring heater tests are 73289, 73093 and 73272.

Comments related to this report
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 14:38, Friday 06 October 2023 (73315)

During this test, our high frequency noise got worse and our circulating power slightly dropped. HOM peaks moved down in frequency, as expected when we add more RH power. DARM attached, 52Hz jitter noise didn't seem to change.

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