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Reports until 11:19, Thursday 12 October 2023
regina.lee@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:19, Thursday 12 October 2023 - last comment - 19:13, Friday 22 December 2023(73400)
Squeeze Data with PSAMS ZM4/5 at 120/120V

Vicky, Regina, Naoki, Sheila 

We took squeeze data with PSAMs on ZM4 and ZM5 both at 120V, and four squeeze angles. Summary screenshot here, with these trends of squeezed BLRMS. All of the following data was done with frequency dependent squeezing. 

With ZM4/5 at 120/120 V, +/- mid squeeze have noticibly different misrotations across the band. In alog 71902 from Aug. 2 with PSAMS at 200/200V, we didn't see strong misrotations down to ~80 Hz. From FDS data on Aug 2, compare today's green/blue lines to the green and yellow +/- mid squeeze lines in this plot.

DTT saved at $(userapps)/sqz/h1/Templates/dtt/DARM/PSAMS_tests_Oct112023.xml

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regina.lee@LIGO.ORG - 19:32, Wednesday 11 October 2023 (73405)

For reference, with ZM4/5 PSAMS at 200/200V (what we've been operating with in O4). 


victoriaa.xu@LIGO.ORG - 22:05, Wednesday 11 October 2023 (73408)

I took more data with PSAMS ZM4/5 = 200V/200V, using the same injected sqz angles as above.

See comparisons of anti-squeezing and squeezing with PSAMS @ 200/200V (dotted lines) vs. 120/120V (solid lines).

  • This dataset started about 35 min after NLN, so not totally thermalized yet.
  • -mid sqz (600 sec) 
    • Start: 1381116279
    • Phase demod at +32 degrees
  • +mid sqz (600 sec)
    • Start: 1381117087
    • Phase demod at +200 degrees
  • Anti sqz (600 sec)
    • Start: 1381117845
    • Phase demod +241.91 degrees
  • No Sqz (600 sec)
    • Start: 1381118732
  • Sqz (600++ sec), back in observing
    • Start: 1381120124
    • Phase demod +150 degrees

Notes / thoughts:

  • Unsqueezed DARM looks comparable before and now. Compare end of this dataset (black) with start of the last dataset (red). A bit quieter now below 40 Hz.
  • Maybe more anti-squeezing at kHz (upper pink vs. black). Played with sqz angles, did not get more anti-sqz than the same +242deg angle.
    • From SQZ-OMC mode scans with cold OM2 (e.g. Jan 2023, LHO:66946) and maximizing ADF-OMC transmission (e.g. July 2023, LHO:71270), I thought it suggests that 200/200V improves SQZ-OMC mode matching. Still leaves SQZ-IFO mode-matching unconstrained. I have not thought about anything relatd to mismatch phases. But if PSAMS 200/200 is minimizing a mismatch that introduces loss, that could be consistent with 200/200 giving more anti-squeezing at >kHz?
  • SQZ might be flatter with 200/200V?

BLRMS trends here. All traces saved to same DTT file, $(userapps)/sqz/h1/Templates/dtt/DARM/PSAMS_tests_Oct112023.xml

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regina.lee@LIGO.ORG - 15:11, Thursday 12 October 2023 (73425)

Vicky, Sheila, Regina, Dorotea

We followed up by checking ZM Sliders to see if there is misalignment with different PSAMS was a factor in addition to the mode mismatches from changing PSAMS. There seems to be a large static alignment shift from changing PSAMS, we're not sure if it is fully compensated by ASC especially in yaw. We might do more measurements tomorrow to follow up. 

Squeezing ZM4/ZM5 Voltage Demod Phase (deg) ZM4 P ZM4 Y ZM5 P ZM5 Y ZM6 P ZM6 Y
+Mid SQZ 120/120 +200 -41 255 -176 339 780 805
+Mid SQZ 200/200 +200 -9.5 254 -241 439 807* 801*
-Mid SQZ 120/120 +32 -12 257 -176 351 753 793
-Mid SQZ 200/200 +32 -9.6 254 -244 450 792 790
ASQZ 120/120 +242 -41 257 -165 343 765 792
ASQZ 200/200 +242 -9.55 254 -238 439 843 787
FDS 120/120 +150 -41 257 -177 391 756 797
FDS 200/200 +150 -9.48 254 -244 446 800 789

*+Mid SQZ: ZM6 was not flat for the 200/200 squeezing. It was increasing in P and Y for +Mid SQZ, didn't seem to reach the steady state. It seems like the ASC is keeping up better with 120/120 because the angles converged, whereas the angles of ZM5 and ZM6 for the 200/200 case kept increasing and did not reach steady state in the time given. 

ASQZ: ZM5 pitch for 120/120 has some shaking, ZM6 pitch is rising and yaw is dropping

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