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Reports until 10:20, Friday 13 October 2023
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:20, Friday 13 October 2023 (73437)
Looking at last weeks Ring Heater Tests

Last weeks ring heater tests are listed below. Note that everything was reverted after each ~3 hour test.

Current nominal settings are ITMX 0.44W, ITMY 0W, ETMs both 1.0W. 

Date Test (W/segment) Effect  Kappa_C Circulating Power  Range
Fri 29 Sept 73093  ETMX +0.1W, ETMY -0.1W Range and squeezing got worse. Up 0.3% Down 1kW Down 3Mpc 
Wed 4 Oct  73272 ITM RHs +0.1W, ETM RHs -0.1W High frequency noise increased. No Change Up 1kW Down 5Mpc
Thurs 5 Oct  73289 ETM RHs +0.1W 52Hz noise in DARM shows an increase (does fluctuate).  High frequency noise slightly decreased. Might try more in this direction. Remade DARM plot, attached. Down 0.3% Down 3kW No Change
Fri 6 Oct 73308 ITM RHs +0.05W High frequency noise increased.  Down 0.2% Down 1kW Down  4Mpc


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