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Reports until 17:58, Friday 13 October 2023
dorotea.macri@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:58, Friday 13 October 2023 - last comment - 12:31, Monday 16 October 2023(73456)
OPO green trans/refl power trend over the past year

[Vicky, Regina, Dorotea, Sheila]

The attached plot shows the ratio of green light transmitted vs reflected through the OPO over the past year to see how green OPO cavity losses have changed.

We last moved the OPO crystal in Nov. 2022 (see relevant alog). Shortly after moving the crystal, the ratio was around 5% and degraded to around 4% within the first week; it has since settled between 2-3% for most of the past year.

We think the discontinuity around 23/04/16 was due to rejecting power away from the refl PD, which was done around that time because the PD was being saturated. If we look at the refl power alone we can see clear saturation occurring on the PD in the time before the power was lowered. We think the loss curve would be fairly continuous if not for the saturation, but can't exactly compensate since we don't know how much power is being lost. The plot shows only times from when the detector was "stable", but stability was calculated fairly naively, leading to some outlier points remaining from when the detector wasn't actually locked; however, the general trend seems pretty consistent.

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Comments related to this report
victoriaa.xu@LIGO.ORG - 12:31, Monday 16 October 2023 (73502)

History of crystal movements before O4, after HAM7 installation. Compared to ~1000+ steps between crystal co-resonances, the opo crystal has not really moved to a different co-resonance position since installation.

  • Aug 2, 2022, LHO:64272: -300 steps "right", +200 steps "left". Total -100 steps "right", within error of translation stage hysteresis.
  • Nov 9, 2022, LHO:65684: +160 steps "left", -300 steps "right", +100 counts "left". Total -40 steps "right", within error of hysteresis.

Estimating spots between crystal co-resonances: From e.g. Maggie's MIT/Lasti ilog and LLO crystal scans (e.g. LLO:49568 one side to other side of crystal was from (+3,180 and -11,820) counts, for either LLO:53429 10 co-resonance spots, or LLO:60710 13 co-resonance spots), it seems to average about (15000/13) ~ 1150 steps between fixed-temperature crystal co-resonances, save for the fine-tuning needed at each position. Compared to this ~1150 steps between crystal spots, our previous moves have basically been circling one spot.

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