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Reports until 15:48, Friday 20 October 2023
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:48, Friday 20 October 2023 - last comment - 18:22, Tuesday 24 October 2023(73621)
PSAMs vs SQZ repeat measurement

Naoki, Sheila

Summary:  We have repeated the test from 73400, with our higher level of squeezing after the crystal move, and with the ASC off for squeezing angles other than squeezing.  This seems to generally reproduce the results in that alog, convincing us that most of the rotation we are seeing is from the mode matching change not an alignment shift.  

We have saved references in userapps/sqz/h1/Templates/dtt/DARM/PSAMS_tests_Oct202023.xml.  This is a copy of PSAMS_tests_Oct112023.xml, with the references saved there and shown in alog 73400  The times written below are minimum times, for many of these references there is actually more time.  

times (PSAMs 200/200):

set sqz angle back to sqz, turned AS42 and FC ASC, set PSAMs to 120/120 with 30 second ramp

times (PSAMS 120/120):

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victoriaa.xu@LIGO.ORG - 18:22, Tuesday 24 October 2023 (73721)SQZ

For PSAMS 120 vs. 200, adding in subtracted squeezing dBs data for this 20 Oct 2023 dataset (new crystal spot with more sqz, better controlled alignment), and from our initial dataset LHO:73400 12 Oct 2023 (before the crystal move so less sqz, ASC running the whole time). A model of unsqueezed quantum noise is used as the reference for the subtraction; relevant GWINC IFO parameters are in the plot title. 

Now working on fitting the mode-mismatch amplitudes + phases to a GWINC quantum noise model.

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