Reports until 16:26, Wednesday 08 November 2023
oli.patane@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:26, Wednesday 08 November 2023 (74097)
Teststand Controls Installations for A+ O5 suspensions

Oli Patane, Jeff Kissel

Continuing through our plan(T2300376) for the new O5 A+ suspensions (HRTS, HATS, and BBSS), we have finished, compiled, and installed the Simulink models for HRTS and BBSS onto the Triples and BSC teststands respectively. The models that we installed can be found in /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/x1/models/x1sus{bs,lo1}.mdl.

Also, we are close to done creating the medm suspension overview screens for HATS and HRTS (/opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/common/medm/hxts/SUS_CUST_{HRTS,HATS}_OVERVIEW.adl). They still need some editing, but here are the current state of the medm screens for the HRTS and the HATS.

Images attached to this report