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Reports until 16:19, Wednesday 08 November 2023
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:19, Wednesday 08 November 2023 (74102)
MICH FF changes as IFO Thermalizes

Naoki, Camilla

Last Friday 73773 Nov 3 (black trace, IFO locked 6h30), Naoki found the MICH FF had degraded since measured on Oct 27 (pink trace IFO locked 23h). Today we measured the MICH FF using /lsc/h1/scripts/feedforward/MICH_excitation_comparison.xml after the IFO had been locked 3 hours  (yellow trace) and 7 hours (grey trace). See attached.

MICH FF effectiveness improves as the IFO thermalizes (compare yellow to grey) but also seems to be degrading over ~days (compare grey to black). MICH FF last tuned Oct 12 73420.

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