Reports until 14:05, Friday 10 November 2023
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:05, Friday 10 November 2023 - last comment - 12:01, Tuesday 14 November 2023(74138)
Searched for home on CO2 power control waveplates and adjusted calibration for CO2X

Noticed that the CO2's weren't exactly outputting 0W at their NO_OUTPUT settings, plot attached, so I searched for home on both rotation stages. This brought them back much closer to zero. Daniel reminds us that "search for home" needs to be done after every Beckhoff reboot, unsure if we did it after the Beckhoff came back on Tuesday. 

I further adjusted CO2X calibration as it hadn't been getting close to 1.7W since we touched it on Tuesday, 74044, TJ's bootstrapping was getting it closer to 1.7W but works best when we start with a close power.

CO2Y Rotation stage weirdness: On my final test, asking CO2Y to go to 1.7W it jumped to -700degrees! I then asked it ot go back to minium power, which it slowly did. Very strange. A better way to take it back might have been to ask it to "search for home" but I remembered that clicking "abort" often crashes Beckhoff! Searched for home after this. Plot attached.

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camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 12:01, Tuesday 14 November 2023 (74195)

Before bootstrapping, CO2Y had only been getting to 1.5W injected with 1.7W requested. I adjusted the calibration (sdf attached) to bring this closer to 1.7W.

We've noticed before but the CO2Y power meter power drops when the rotation stage stops moving, maybe the RS slides back after it's finished rotating, changing the power by ~0.03W. Plot attached. CO2Y rotation stage is noisier than CO2X. We should check we have a spare RS on hand.

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