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Reports until 15:22, Friday 10 November 2023
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:22, Friday 10 November 2023 (74139)
MICHFF Current Filter copied to FM6 with no 17.7Hz, but not in use.

As the MICH FF change on Oct 12th effected the Calibration team's sensing of KAPPA_TST, 74136, I copied our current MICHFF FM5 into FM6 without the 17.7Hz zero/pole pair. TF didn't look too different, plots attached, so if we have a thermalized commissioning time we can try this FM6 and compare to FM5 using /lsc/h1/scripts/feedforward/MICH_excitation_comparison.xml

Ideally we would install a new MICH FF filter, designed with this 17.7Hz feature notched out, that is pending.

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