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Reports until 16:54, Wednesday 15 November 2023
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:54, Wednesday 15 November 2023 (74220)
Measured MICH and SRCL FF, not Changed

This morning I took measurements for MICH and SRCL feedforward and exported in .txt files in /lsc/h1/scripts/feedforward.  Gabriele changed SRCL in 73662 Oct 20th. MICH last changed 73420 Oct 12th.

I didn't have good luck re-fitting MICH, I made a new filter in FM7 but although it fit 100-200Hz well, I couldn't get the fit to also be good <20Hz. Plot attached - RED TRACE.

I also tried the current FF without 17.7Hz line, FM6, 74139, it alos change the fit of the filter 20-80Hz, wasn't sure if this was better or worse so will discuss with others and we can implement on Friday. Plot attached, RED TRACE.

Strangely, the current MICH FF looked better than it has done recently and didn't appear to change with thermalization. What has changed since last week 74102?!

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