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Reports until 23:20, Tuesday 19 April 2011
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:20, Tuesday 19 April 2011 - last comment - 08:44, Wednesday 20 April 2011(741)
BSC ISI Assembly Status

[Corey, Hugh, Jim, Stephany]

BSC#1 Assembly Work

More helicoils were installed on the Optics Table (until we discovered we were almost out of helicoils).  The Stage0 Base was lifted off the tested so it could be weighed (this was done with a load cell via the forklift).

BSC Work Area Clean Up (aka HAMISI#3 Work)

Made first attempt at installing the Vertical GS13's & two thirds of their Outer Walls, and then discovered the feed-thrus did not line up with the hole in the Stage-1 floor!  Basically, procedure (E0900216-v5) uses a drawing to show how to orient/install the vertical GS-13, and this drawing is 120 degrees off.  Looking from the top, the Vert GS13 should actually be 120deg counterclockwise from how it is displayed in the photo (figure is attached).  So most of the day was devoted to installing the GS13/Walls, uninstalling, and then re-installing.  In all the hub bub, I failed to note the Serial Numbers for the now-covered GS13's.  I did get one of them though.  V2 is S/N 163.

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corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 08:44, Wednesday 20 April 2011 (743)

One More HAMISI Procedure (E0900216) Note

For installing the Outer Walls, the procedure does not make mention of torquing the 120deg brackets during installation (this is in Sec. 4.34).  This could be an easy thing to forget during installation with all the bolts to be torqued.

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