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Reports until 16:15, Wednesday 20 April 2011
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:15, Wednesday 20 April 2011 (744)
BSC ISI Assembly Status


Jim is working on prep work for getting parts (mainly hardware such as helicoils, bolts, etc.) Class-A-ed and ready for upcoming work. 

BSC Work Area Clean Up

More Small Outer Walls Installed.  The Horizontal GS13 Walls were pre-assembled and rest on the Optics Table.  We do not have Flexure Access Outer Walls (D071058) available; Hugh assures me that some are currently in a Bake Oven now and could be available in a few days.

Weights have been put on the Walls & on the Optics Table.  Now that the innards of HAMISI#3 are being cleared away from both SEI cleanrooms, more and more space is being created for upcoming BSC work!

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