Reports until 14:43, Wednesday 06 December 2023
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:43, Wednesday 06 December 2023 - last comment - 11:03, Thursday 07 December 2023(74642)
New MICH FF installed

We installed the new MICHFF FM8 filter that Gabriele fit 7460274595. This looks to do a great job suppressing the MICH excitation, see pink trace attached. A little less suppression 150-200Hz so we'll want to run some coherences with NLN data to see if we care about MICH in this region. Saved in safe and observe sdf and ISC_LOCK.

Left the MICHFF off for 5 minutes 22:05:45 to 22:10:45UTC.

Tagging CAL, this may have an effect on the 17.6Hz line 74259

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dana.jones@LIGO.ORG - 11:03, Thursday 07 December 2023 (74654)CAL

Louis and I discussed this and it seems there may have been a very small change but it is likely nothing significant, see attached plot.

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