Sheila, Elenna, Camilla. Last done in August 72140. Doing now as BRUCO shows ASC coherences 74664 and want to understand current ASC coupling beofre OM2 commissioning.
Saved in /ligo/gitcommon/NoiseBudget/aligoNB/aligoNB/H1/couplings/
The new CHARD_Y quiet time reference of H1:ASC-CHARD_Y_SM was very different to the old quiet time reference: compare new (red) to 10th August (blue) of bottom left plot attached.
Quiet Time: 1386107782 2023-12-08 21:56:04UTC to 22:00:00UTC
CHARD_P_EXC.xml: 1386108023 2023-12-08 22:00:05UTC to 22:01:07UTC
CHARD_Y_EXC.xml: 1386108116 2023-12-08 22:01:38 UTC to 22:02:53UTC
Quiet Time: 1386108191 2023-12-08 22:02:53UTC to 22:06:00UTC
DHARD_P_EXC.xml: 1386108394 2023-12-08 22:06:16UTC to 22:07:29UTC
DHARD_Y_EXC.xml: 1386108500 2023-12-08 22:08:02UTC to 22:08:59UTC
Then Robert did some injections
Quiet Time: 1386111033 2023-12-08 22:50:15UTC to 22:56:00UTC
IMC_PZT_P_inj.xml: 1386111380 2023-12-08 22:56:02UTC
IMC_PZT_Y_inj.xml: 1386111449 2023-12-08 22:57:11 UTC
Instructions: (Naoki put laser noise injection instructions in 70642)
- Did with squeezing. Could have done without SQZ, just need to be consistent between quiet time and injections.
- Open templates (DTT may crash if you do too many at once)
- Turn off Excitation (un-check box in Excitation tab) and start dtt to get quiet time data, need no glitches during time. Could do in observing.
- Update references in plots (overwrite old ones)
- Turn on excitation (check box in Excitation tab) and run injections one at a time.