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Reports until 15:38, Wednesday 13 December 2023
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:38, Wednesday 13 December 2023 - last comment - 09:54, Thursday 14 December 2023(74791)
New MICHFF measurements taken 23:20UTC after 2h30 in NLN

New MICHFF measurements with the new DARM offloading on were taken at at 23:20UTC after 2h30 in NLN. Saved in /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/lsc/h1/scripts/feedforward

Followed the README in the same folder and used LSC_FF_PrepareData.ipynb to create mich_ff_tofit.txt, plan to fit this tomorrow morning so we can try new MICHFF during commissioning when we next turn on the new DARM offloading.

Comments related to this report
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 09:54, Thursday 14 December 2023 (74808)

Gabriele and I fit this data using his InteractiveFitting GUI. Results attached.

Attached is the change to MICH with the different DARM filters 74790 (black) verus how it wa with nominal DARM last week 74642 (pink).

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