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Reports until 15:53, Monday 18 December 2023
H1 General (CAL, Lockloss)
ibrahim.abouelfettouh@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:53, Monday 18 December 2023 - last comment - 19:25, Monday 18 December 2023(74874)
Lockloss 23:46 UTC

Lockloss during commissioning during simulines calibration. Investigation ongoing since we have lost lock 3 times during simulines in the last week (with one successful run) - currently unsure if simulines is a culprit.

Comments related to this report
louis.dartez@LIGO.ORG - 19:25, Monday 18 December 2023 (74880)
I looked into this. The lockloss was likely not caused by Simulines injections. I ran simulines about two minutes before we lost lock but simulines exited almost immediately due to an error in one of its configuration files and I confirmed that it did not start any injections before it exited.
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