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Reports until 18:17, Thursday 21 December 2023
louis.dartez@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:17, Thursday 21 December 2023 - last comment - 19:55, Thursday 21 December 2023(74977)
Testing the calibration with the NEW DARM state
Jenne, Ryan, Oli, Keita, Louis

We moved into the NEW_DARM guardian state once again with the following goals:

1.) update CAL-CS to match the new actuation path configuration to get DELTAL_EXTERNAL to be roughly calibrated in the control room.
2.) restart the GDS pipeline with a pyDARM parameter file and GDS FIR filter set that matches the new DARM configuration
3.) sit in the now calibrated state for 20minutes to compare DARM noise in the new state vs the nominal and hopefully show that the noise better. Previously, we'd only been able to show that the non-stationarity was better (LHO:74939).
3.b) start a calibration sweep using Simulines using the retuned injections that I prepared by scaling the nominal injection amplitudes by the changes we've made to the DRIVEALIGN filters.
4.) Test the RETURN_TO_NLN_ETMY state that Sheila and I prepared to move from NEW_DARM back to NLN_ETMY.
5.) Test the DARM_RECOVER state that I prepared to move us back to ETMX in the nominal configuration from ETMY.

In short, we were able to move to NEW_DARM but we could not get DELTAL_EXTERNAL calibrated by CAL-CS to make sense. We were able to push a new configuration to the GDS pipeline but similarly could not get that look right either. We ran out of time to debug further (we were already over time before needing to go back to Observing) so we started back tracking to the nominal DARM state. Instead of trusting all of our moves back to nominal to the guardian state, we ran commands one at a time to try and track down why we've not been having success recently. 

Jenne caught a few steps missing from RETURN_TO_NLN_ETMY, still be implemented: 
  1.) we need to clear the ETMY L2 DRIVEALIGN L2L histories
  2.) we need to make sure to adjust the LSC Output Matrix accordingly when moving back to ETMY

Even after fixing these two issues we promptly lost lock when swapping the L3 LOCK L gains between ETMX and ETMY. So there's something else we haven't yet caught holding us up there.

additional information regarding what was done to temporarily update the GDS pipeline, the re-retuned Simulines injections, and general front-end/CAL-CS weirdness that we encountered will come.

I restarted the GDS pipeline with the nominal calibration state and returned the CAL-CS settings to their nominal configuration while we relock back into the nominal configuration. We will leave the IFO in the nominal configuration over the holidays.
Comments related to this report
oli.patane@LIGO.ORG - 19:55, Thursday 21 December 2023 (74979)

Also, in case this helps with troubleshooting, note that when we lost lock between the ETMX -> ETMY gain swap, the ETMX HEPI, Stage 1, and Stage 2 watchdogs all tripped.

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