The first and second attached plots show the BNS range with and without ADF servo. It takes 3 hours to reach the maximum BNS range without ADF servo, but it takes only 1 hour with ADF servo. During thermalization, the optimal squeezing angle can drift due to the drift of SRC detuning and SQZ-IFO mode matching. Since the ADF at 1.3 kHz is within the SRC bandwidth 80 kHz, the ADF can track the squeezing angle drift by SRC detuning and SQZ-IFO mode matching which CLF cannot track. The ADF servo uses the ADF squeezing angle (SQZ-ADF_OMC_TRANS_SQZ_ANG) as error signal and feeds it back to the CLF demod phase (SQZ-CLF_REFL_RF6_PHASE_PHASEDEG) to keep the optimal squeezing angle during thermalization.