Reports until 15:57, Friday 22 December 2023
naoki.aritomi@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:57, Friday 22 December 2023 (75000)
BNS range reaches its maximum faster with ADF servo during thermalization

The first and second attached plots show the BNS range with and without ADF servo. It takes 3 hours to reach the maximum BNS range without ADF servo, but it takes only 1 hour with ADF servo. During thermalization, the optimal squeezing angle can drift due to the drift of SRC detuning and SQZ-IFO mode matching. Since the ADF at 1.3 kHz is within the SRC bandwidth 80 kHz, the ADF can track the squeezing angle drift by SRC detuning and SQZ-IFO mode matching which CLF cannot track. The ADF servo uses the ADF squeezing angle (SQZ-ADF_OMC_TRANS_SQZ_ANG) as error signal and feeds it back to the CLF demod phase (SQZ-CLF_REFL_RF6_PHASE_PHASEDEG) to keep the optimal squeezing angle during thermalization. 

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