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Reports until 14:52, Wednesday 10 January 2024
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:52, Wednesday 10 January 2024 - last comment - 15:12, Tuesday 30 January 2024(75308)
NEW DARM transition attempts

Louis, Jenne, TJ, Sheila

Today we continued to try to transition to the new Darm configuration, which we had suceeded in doing in December but weren't able to repeat last week (75204). 

In our first attempt today we tried a faster ramp time, 0.1 seconds.  This caused immediate saturation of ETMX ESD.  We struggled to relock because of the environment. 

Because Elenna pointed out that the problem at roughly 3 Hz with the earlier transition attempts might have been the soft loops, we thought of trying to do the transition before the soft loops are engaged, after the other ASC is on.  We tried this first before transitioning to DC readout which wouldn't work because of the DARM filter changes.  Then we made a second attempt at DC readout.  We also lost lock due to a 2 Hz oscialltion, even without the soft loops on. 

Some gps times of transitions and attempt:

Comments related to this report
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 15:42, Friday 12 January 2024 (75348)

Adding two more times to this list:

  • 1386538350 transition from December 13th, with configuration shown in screenshot ( 5 second ramp time) (L2 LOCK FM2, 10 and L1 LOCK FM2,4,10) (L3 master out max = 1e6)
  • 1386621508 Decmeber 14th L2 LOCK FM1,2,10 L1 LOCK FM2,6 5 second ramp time, 30000 counts max on ESD
  • 1387034098 transition from Decmeber 19th, L2 LOCK FM10 then add FM1+2 2 seconds later, L1 LOCK L FM2,6 (L3 master out max = 6e6)
  • 1387140058 transition December 20th, L2 and L1 SWSTATS the same as on the 19th (used guardian NEW_DARM), ESD max just below 2e6
  • 1387237746 transition December 21st using guardian (same as 19th and 20th)
  •  1388444283 Jan 4th failure, SWSTATs the same as on the 14th.
  • 1389131192 today attempt to reproduce Dec 13th transition, except that L2 lock boost was on (FM1 L2 LOCKL) 5 second ramp time (screenshot)

The second screenshot here shows the transitions from Dec 13th, 14th, and 19th. These are three slightly different configuration of the UIM filters and variations on which PUM boosts were on when we made the transition.  On the 14th the oscillation was particularly small, this was with our new UIM filter (FM 2 + 6) and with both PUM boosts on L2 LOCK FM1,2,10 already during the transition.  This is the same configuraition that failed mulitple times in the last two weeks.

Images attached to this comment
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 20:40, Wednesday 17 January 2024 (75451)

Today I went back to three of these transitions, December 14th (1386621508 sucsesful no oscillation) and Jan 4 (1388444283) + Jan 5th (1388520329) which were unsucsesfull attempts. It also seems as though the only change to the filter file since the Dec 14th transition is a change copy the Qprime filter into L1 drivealign, which has not been used in any of these attempts (this can't be used because tidal is routed through drivalign). 

In short, it doesn't seem that we made a mistaken change to any of these settings between December and January which caused the transition to stop working.

L1 DRIVEALIGN L2L 37888 no filters on  
L1 LOCK L 37922 FM2,6 (muBoostm, aL1L2)  
L2 DRIVEALIGN L2L 37968 FM5,7 (Q prime, vStopA)  
L2 LOCK L 38403 FM1,2,10 (boost, 3.5, 1.5:0^2, cross)  on the 5th FM1+ 2 were ramping while we did the transition  
L3 DRIVEALIGN L2L 37888 no filters on  
L3 LOCK L 268474240 FM8, FM9, FM10, gain ramping for 5 seconds (vStops 8+9, 4+5, 6+7)  
ETMX L3 ISCINF L 37888 no filters on  
DARM2 38142 FM2,3,4,5,6,7,8  
DARM1 40782 FM2,3,4,7,9,10  


louis.dartez@LIGO.ORG - 15:12, Tuesday 30 January 2024 (75634)
I added start and end time windows for the successful transitions in LHO:75631.
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