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Reports until 10:43, Monday 22 January 2024
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:43, Monday 22 January 2024 - last comment - 09:26, Tuesday 23 January 2024(75502)
Looking at ZM4,5,6 alginment, comapring last vent, IFO locked, and now.

Ibrahim, TJ, Camilla, Naoki,

Looking at how the ZM4,5,6 alignment has shifted both with the vent and recent temperature changes in the LVEA.

Attached is ZM4/5 P/Y alignment since the last time we were SQZing to vented now,  there is large changes of ZM5 (470urad in Pit and 230urad in Yaw). Alignment sliders haven't changed but SQZ ASC would have been changing some alignment when the IFO was locked.

ZM6 has large changes (1300urad in Pit and 280urad in Yaw). Currently DAMPED but alignment sliders are the same. Edit: DAMPED turns off the alignment sliders, once Austin brought back to ALIGNED it had moved <100urad.

We expect some changes from bouyancy of air. The HAM7 SUS are currently  "aligned" with the doors being taken off HAM7. Jim hasn't locked the ISI yet. Looking at ZM4,5,6 alignment, last vent, IFO locked, and now.

Ibrahim is looking at temperatures and alignment since our last vent.

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Comments related to this report
ibrahim.abouelfettouh@LIGO.ORG - 11:26, Monday 22 January 2024 (75504)
Tyler, Ibrahim
Zone 4 (East Bay HAM7 Cleanroom area) Temperature Traces (lighter is this vent).
Last Vent Cleanroom Temp Jump (Oct 2022 - Fall):
  • Sensor 4E: 68.0F to 72.1F (4.10F difference)
  • Sensor 4A: 67.9F to 71.3F (3.42FF difference)
  • Sensor 4 Avg: 67.9F to 71.7F (3.7F difference)
Curious as to what the 2 seperate humps in temp are for this set of plots (6/7F diff overall)
This Vent Cleanroom Temp Jump (Jan 2024 - Winter):
  • Sensor 4E: 68.3F to 71.8F (3.45F difference)
  • Sensor 4A: 68.9F to 72.2F (3.32F difference)
  • Sensor 4 Avg: 67.5F to 70.7F (3.18F difference)
According to Tyler, these seem sufficiently comprable.
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camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 12:23, Monday 22 January 2024 (75505)

Vicky found that the SQZ beam was different on the RLF QPDs and not on the SQZT7 H1:SQZ-OPO_IR_PD_DC_POWER. Sheila checked that the OPOS doesn't seem to have changed much (<5um, 0.005urad  if channels are calibrated), plot attached

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camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 09:26, Tuesday 23 January 2024 (75518)

Details of realignment and finding the beam in 75509

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