Reports until 16:25, Friday 02 February 2024
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:25, Friday 02 February 2024 (75715)
TCSX chiller line water tested

Camilla, Jason, Oli, TJ

With a successful air test over Wednesday night (alog75657), and the stop work cleared, we started the process of testing the chiller lines with water. Jason and Camilla ran the X&Y chillers on a closed loop within themselves and adjusted the chiller settings to hopefully stop an overpressure in the future. The H1:TCS-ITM{X,Y}_CO2_CHILLER_SERVO_GAIN was also changed from 1 to 0 to stop the temperature setpiont being too low, but we will change this back later.

(values in psi) Previous New
High pressure warning 100 75
High pressure fault 105 80

After the chillers had lower settings and had run for a bit, we bypassed the TCSX table by connecting the supply to the return next to the table. Jason and Oli were prepped at the chiller, Camilla was at the bypass, and I was watching the expansion joints. Even though the TCSX chiller was just ran, when the chiller lines were hooked up, it introduced enough air into the pump that it needed to be primed again. This was not done easily, so we swapped TCSX and Y chillers. The new chiller was started immediately when plugged into the lines and then started flowing. Jason and Oli filled the reservoir with around 3-4gal as the air came out of the system. We let the chiller run for ~15 min and observed no leaks.

At this point we decided to call it a day and keep both chillers off over the weekend. The TCSX chiller lines have water in them, but the chiller is not running. Next week we will need to reprime the TCSX chiller and test the TCSY water lines.