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Reports until 16:17, Tuesday 27 February 2024
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:17, Tuesday 27 February 2024 (75987)
Aligned CO2X to ITMX with HWS

Referencing alog68391 for the last time we moved the picos around and alog73553 for some of the most recent CO2X HWS images, we moved the top periscope pico to align the newly refurbished CO2X annular beam to ITMX.

To do this we set the ITMX HWS freq to 1Hz and checked for no saturated pixels. We started off injecting 0.5W for 90sec to confirm we were at least hitting the optic, then bumped it up to 2W for 90sec and waited ~10min between moves to get more visible change in the images. After iterating with small moves and wait periods between each move, we eventually ended up with the spot in a very similar position to the main beam on our last powerup. Upper periscope pico final position -2200 +2200 (starting 0,0)

We will wait to get the main IFO beam back and see how centered we are in relation to that before we make more moves.

We also did a quick sanity check on ITMY and confirmed that the annular mask was still centered on the optic as well.

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