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Reports until 04:31, Thursday 01 July 2010
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:31, Thursday 01 July 2010 - last comment - 11:38, Friday 16 July 2010(49)
Watchdog Woes Leading To: Reboot Of Front End & Matrices Re-Entry
Tonight, I had hopes of starting one of Fabrice's transfer functions overnight.  Unfortunately, I was not able to because I was never able to clear the Watchdog.  As for what seemed to be causing the trips, for the most part, the H1&V1 Actuators would immediately rail to 32k.  This would cause two things:  an Actuator WD trip & an H1/V1 Geophone WD trip.  Additionally the Actuator would remain in RED in the "First Trig" state.  I tried various tricks with gains, and turning off input/outputs to no avail.  Looked at the rack and nothing was amiss.

Reboot of seiteststand
At this point, I performed a reboot of the frontend.  It was straightforward and there were no issues, but it didn't change the situation.

Matrices Re-filled
All of our filter bank paths are fairly simple (no filters engaged and gains of 1 all around).  Oddities I found were in some of the matrices.  In the CONT2ACT matrix there was a 1 in a place there wasn't supposed to be a 1 and one of the matrix elements had a sign different from what it should be as well (see attached image of cont2act matrix).  Because of this I decided I might as well run the scripts to fill the matrices.

One more note:  the DispAlign matrix was also empty.  So, I put 1's down the diagonal of this guy as well.

Matrix Set-Up Scripts
Jeff Kissel has some bash scripts which fill the HAM-ISI matrices (they are the ones used to fill the HAM6 ISI for both sites).  Since Dave copied over the epics bin area to the seiteststand, we were now able to run bash scripts (as well as use commands such as "caput" & "caget").  Nic helped me edit the scripts to make them work (among some location-dependent changes, commented out the --noprofile --norc values at the beginning of the script.  I ran the scripts for the following matrices:  Disp2Cen, Geo2Cen, & Cont2Act.

After all of this, I was still not able to clear the Watchdog (or run our measurement).  I've attached a snapshot of the Watchdog.  Notice the "First Trig" of the Actuators (and how the Actuator Monitors are all 0).  As soon as I click RESET, these monitors would show H1/V1 rail to 32k.  
Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 11:38, Friday 16 July 2010 (76)
Just thought I'd add the location of these bash matrix scripts (Disp2Cen, Geo2Cen, & Cont2Act).  They are located at:

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