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Reports until 17:17, Saturday 09 March 2024
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:17, Saturday 09 March 2024 - last comment - 15:31, Monday 11 March 2024(76232)
Measured new OMC-DCPD_MATRIX

Using alogs 47217 and 45734 as a guide, we measured/calculated a new OMC-DCPD_MATRIX.

Note: this might have to be redone if we update the anti-TIA filtes for the DCPDs, see alog 76228.

We measured the coherent signal amplitude ratio g = PD_A/PD_B above 30Hz (i.e. above the TIA transfer function imbalance), so the matrix is optimized where we actually care.


We measure the shot noise signal amplitude ratio h = PD_A/PD_B above 400Hz to avoid thermal noise and correlations from the feedback.


This produced the new output matrix (see secript)

0.99861 1.00139
0.97725 -1.02328

For reference, old matrix:

0.99963 1.00040
0.98198 -1.0184


The new matrix was loaded, but not yet tested - the IFO lost lock due to 43kts wind gust.

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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 15:31, Monday 11 March 2024 (76268)CDS, GRD
J. Kissel, S. Ballmer,

The ISC_LOCK guardian "SDF REVERT" state pushes the safe.snap file for the h1omc model (and others) after every lock loss. Stefan had saved the balance matrix numbers in the OBSERVE.snap, but not in the safe.snap. Together, we've saved the numbers to the safe.snap as well now.
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 14:22, Monday 11 March 2024 (76265)

SFD forgot the matrix again, so I updated the matrix and saved it to SDF.

THis one is duned for signal matching around 100Hz.

0.99785   1.00215
0.97800  -1.02249


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