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Reports until 20:40, Monday 18 March 2024
gabriele.vajente@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:40, Monday 18 March 2024 - last comment - 22:14, Monday 18 March 2024(76507)
Testing different PSAMS values

Jennie, Naoki, Evan, Gabriele

WE stepped the two PSAMS differentially, to find a better position. There is some evidence that a value of 150 / 90 is better than the original 120 / 120. Noise i a 200-250 Hz region is about 4% lower. More details will follow.

We tried a small common step after the differential tuning, but saw little effect

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 22:14, Monday 18 March 2024 (76508)
ZM4 ZM5 θSQZ BLRMS, 200–250 Hz (m) BLRMS, 430–490 Hz (m)
120 120 205.2° 1.124×10−19 1.099×10−19
140 100 195.7° 1.096×10−19 1.045×10−19
150 90 200.5° 1.105×10−19 1.051×10−19
160 80 200.5° 1.080×10−19 1.044×10−19
180 60 200.5° 1.122×10−19 1.078×10−19
200 40 200.5° 1.141×10−19 1.100×10−19
170 110 200.5° 1.104×10−19 1.050×10−19

Naoki was optimizing the squeeze angle by hand. The BLRMS are possibly confounded by some 0.03–0.1 Hz motion from an earthquake, but in any case there doesn't seem to be a major win here.

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